
Auto shipping has become an indispensable logistic service in the vast land of Xinjiang. Whether it’s for moving, business trips, or vehicle repairs, people need to transport their cars safely and efficiently to their destinations. However, with numerous shipping companies and complex fee structures in the market, choosing a reliable shipping company and understanding their fees is crucial.

Factors Affecting Fees

  • Shipping distance: This is the primary factor influencing shipping costs. The longer the distance, the higher the shipping fee.
  • Vehicle size: Larger vehicles (such as SUVs and vans) take up more space, resulting in higher shipping fees compared to smaller vehicles (such as sedans and hatchbacks).
  • Shipping method: Open-air shipping (where the vehicle is exposed to the elements) is cheaper than enclosed shipping (where the vehicle is loaded into an enclosed container).
  • Insurance costs: Shipping companies typically offer different insurance coverage options, with higher coverage resulting in higher insurance fees.
  • Additional services: Additional services such as door-to-door pickup and delivery,全程 tracking, and vehicle cleaning will incur extra charges.
托运汽车收费标准 新疆

Fee Standards

Based on market conditions in Xinjiang, the general fee standards for car shipping are as follows:

  • Small cars:
    • Urumqi to Beijing: 2000-2500 yuan
    • Urumqi to Shanghai: 2500-3000 yuan
    • Urumqi to Guangzhou: 3000-3500 yuan
  • Medium-sized cars:
    • Urumqi to Beijing: 2500-3000 yuan
    • Urumqi to Shanghai: 3000-3500 yuan
    • Urumqi to Guangzhou: 3500-4000 yuan
  • Large cars:
    • Urumqi to Beijing: 3000-3500 yuan
    • Urumqi to Shanghai: 3500-4000 yuan
    • Urumqi to Guangzhou: 4000-4500 yuan


  • Choose a legitimate shipping company: Check the company’s资质 and reputation, and sign a formal shipping contract.
  • Purchase sufficient insurance: Choose appropriate coverage based on your vehicle’s value and shipping distance.
  • Book shipping in advance: Shipping demand is higher during peak seasons and holidays, so it’s advisable to book in advance.

Recommended Shipping Companies

The following reputable car shipping companies are recommended in Xinjiang:

托运汽车收费标准 新疆
  • 圣鑫达汽车托运: National chain specializing in car shipping, with transparent pricing and high-quality services.
  • 中铁集装箱汽车托运: State-owned enterprise with a strong safety record and ample运力。
  • 德邦汽车托运: Well-known logistics company with nationwide car shipping services and fast delivery times.


Understanding Xinjiang’s car shipping fees and considerations will help you choose a reliable shipping company and transport your car safely and efficiently to its destination. In the vast land of Xinjiang, car shipping plays a vital role in connecting cities and villages and促进ing economic development. As an important logistic service, the car shipping industry will continue to thrive in the future, contributing to the economic and social development of Xinjiang.

Car Shipping Tips

  1. Open-air vs. enclosed shipping: Open-air shipping is cheaper but exposes your vehicle to the elements. Enclosed shipping is more expensive but provides better protection.
  2. Insurance: Shipping companies offer different insurance coverage options. Choose the appropriate coverage based on your vehicle’s value and shipping distance.
  3. Pre-shipment preparation: Clean your vehicle, remove personal belongings, and check tire pressure and刹车 systems.
  4. Tracking: Some shipping companies offer real-time vehicle tracking services. You can check your vehicle’s location through a小程序 or website.
  5. Receiving your vehicle: Carefully inspect your vehicle’s condition, check accompanying documents, and confirm insurance policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does car shipping take? Shipping time depends on the shipping distance and method. Generally, small car shipments take 3-5 days, while large car shipments take 5-7 days.
  2. How much does car shipping cost? Shipping fees vary depending on the shipping company, vehicle size, shipping distance, and additional services. Contact the shipping company for specific costs.
  3. Can I place personal belongings in my vehicle? Yes, but make sure they are securely fastened. Avoid placing valuables or flammable items.
  4. Can I follow my car during shipping? Generally not allowed, but some shipping companies offer paid follow-car services.
  5. What should I do if my car is damaged during shipping? Contact the shipping company immediately and provide relevant evidence. The shipping company will handle compensation according to insurance terms.

Springtime Road Trip Recommendations

Springtime is a great season for road trips. Here are a few suggestions:

托运汽车收费标准 新疆
  • Choose scenic destinations: Such as Xinjiang’s Ili Valley, Yunnan’s Lijiang, and Guizhou’s Libo.
  • Plan your itinerary: Determine your route, accommodations, and餐饮, to avoid last-minute hassles.
  • Check your vehicle’s condition: Ensure your vehicle is in good condition, with proper tire pressure and functioning刹车 systems.
  • Bring essential items: Such as clothing, toiletries, medicines, and a toolkit.
  • Be aware of weather changes: Spring weather is unpredictable, so bring rain gear and warm clothing.

Travel Tips

Xinjiang’s Ili Valley:
  • Best travel time: April-June
  • Must-visit attractions: Zhaosu Grassland, Fruit Valley, Lavender Fields
  • Travel considerations: Prepare for sun protection and warm clothing, be aware of high altitude.
Yunnan’s Lijiang:
  • Best travel time: March-May
  • Must-visit attractions: Lijiang Ancient Town, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Tiger Leaping Gorge
  • Travel considerations: Be aware of slippery surfaces and high altitude, respect local customs.
Guizhou’s Libo:
  • Best travel time: March-April
  • Must-visit attractions: Big and Small Seven-Hole Bridges, Yao Mountain rice terraces, Moon Mountain
  • Travel considerations: Prepare for mosquito repellent, be aware of the unique terrain of karst landforms.


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